Thursday, March 31, 2011

Shades of Red

Lettuce plant from The Prince hotel (gift, not stolen), home grown apples (by my mum, not me) and Neil Perry's 'Balance and Harmony Asian Food' cookbook. 

Pretty flowers, a gift from a friend, flowers by 'In Full Bloom', South Melbourne.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spoilt - Birthday Pressies...

New killer heels!

Flower and Portmeirion china. 

The vintage glass jar collection is growing!

Pretty home made posy - I heart this! 

New nail polish!

Haighs choccies, mmm...

Monday, March 7, 2011



I'm obsessed with Hydrangeas at the moment, saw this X large one on a walk through Elwood. 

St Kilda at night.